I was born in the beautiful eastern European country Slovakia in the 80’s. I grew up in the rural part and I was always connected to nature and I already felt a strong connection to the moon. I started working with natural energy, growing herbs, learning about stones, and making homemade remedies for myself. In 2005 I decided to move to Ireland where my spiritual levels increased and deepen and where I started to explore new ways of working with energies. At this stage of my life, I got blessed with a beautiful family which made me complete as a woman and now I can study other ways of fulfillment on spiritual and energetic levels. I am always improving my knowledge and I am very happy to share my gained wisdom with all women.
In 2016 I become a Reiki Master and I also completed my training specializing in Crystal Reiki. In 2020 I become a Ka Shen Sekhem Practitioner and in 2022 Egyptian Sekhmet Art of Healing Master - Teacher. In the same year, I become a Pyramid of Isis Teacher & Mary Magdalene Reiki Teacher. I am a fully qualified Reiki Usui Reiki Grandmaster. My Reiki training guided me toward my path as a priestess.
I started to study to become a priestess in 2017 and I am now an officially ordained priestess of Goddess Isis/Aset. This training allowed me to find a new purpose, by which I discovered my new path in life. I was chosen by the goddess Auset-Isis to understand myself and help all women to find their own paths through empowerment. As a priestess, I continue in studium in Iseum as a priestess of Sekhmet and going more deeper into the sacred of life & healing techniques.
Every month on the full moon I hold a gathering of women to share stories, enhancement of women power, chanting, singing, drumming, dance, cleanse, nourishment of our souls, meditate and most importantly for building empowerment in our womanhood. Each month, the circle is dedicated to a different topic according to the lunar calendar, for example, pagan holidays, moon and earth energy, our personal moon time, and on holding our own power and energy. All women present in the circle feel a sense of togetherness and revival of their spirituality.
I also developed a range of homemade remedies, such as oils and creams. They are all prepared from homegrown herbs and organic oils and 100% natural and vegan. My oils are made using a combination of energy derived from gemstones full moon and reiki, which is then transferred to the body through the skin. My cream is a combination of butters, oils, herbs moon, and reiki energy and is proven to be successful in the treatment of different skin conditions, and stress relief and could be also used in meditation or massage.
Additionally, I can customize a personal oil for women according to name, date of birth, time of birth, scent preference, and a little bit of personal knowledge. All products are 100% natural, organic, and vegan-friendly.
I welcome all women who are looking to find their path to self-empowerment to contact me for further information.
Much Love & Light
Adrianna )O(
Women Circles
"Within every woman there is a wild and natural creature, a powerful force, filled with good instincts, passionate creativity and ageless knowing. Her name is Wild Woman and she is an endangered species. Though the gifts of wildish nature comes to us at birth, society's attempt to 'civilize' us into rigid roles has plundered this treasure and muffled the deep life-giving messages of our own souls. Without Wild Woman, we become over-domesticated, fearful, uncreative and trapped."
'We are strong when we stand with another soul. When we are with another, we cannot be broken.'
'When both sides of the dual nature are held close together in consciousness, they have tremendous power, and cannot be broken. This is the nature of the psychic duality, of twinning, the two aspects of women's personality. By itself the more civilised self is fine but somehow lonely. By itself, the wildish self is also fine, but wistful for relationship with the other.
The loss of women's psychological, emotional and spiritual powers comes from separating these two nature's from one another and pretending one or the other no longer exists.'
'Listen to the inner hearing, the inner seeing, the inner being. Follow it. It knows what to do next.'
--Women Who Run With The Wolves--
by Clarissa Pinkola Estes
Enjoy Women circle with me if you hear the call, feel the magick in your bones, hear wisper of wind and land around you ...
Siting in one circle with wild magical women, share your wisdom and listen theiers is very potrent magic. We spin and stir our esence and magic together in couldron of all things, folowing seasons of the year and working with the moon.
Can you feel magic in your blood and call to this circle?
Woman circles are located in a countryside close to Mullaghmore village, county Sligo, Ireland. All women meet once a month around a full moon dates.
We have a private group on Facebook. Contact me to place - reservation or for more information by an email.
This is a celebration of femininity. Celebration of who we are. We all are girls who are becoming or becoming women and we all should be proud of it.
This is an old-way path for young girls, that allows you to connect the old-way path with the modern world. Pink Tent is the first step to a sisterhood - womanhood - it is about connecting girls and provides a sacred place for sharing stories, and building their inner power as well as spirituality. Provide a place where their strength comes from supporting and empowering each other.
The pink tent girls will first join 5 weeks course to learn all the basics of spiritual work such as meditation, tarot work, how to listen to themselves, the importance of sisterhood, how to celebrate and be proud of themselves, and much more.
After the course, the girls will be able to join a monthly full-moon Girls' tent gathering.
This course is in Ireland in the beautiful countryside very close to Mullaghmore village, country Sligo. You are very welcome to book a place for your daughter or get more information just send me an email at avwitchshop@gmail.com or text me on AV witchshop Facebook page and I will happily tell you more.
My work is focused to help women to find their ancient feminine powers and spirituality.
If we want to live a healthy and balanced life, we must first heal something inside us. Everybody has something to release and something that is waiting to be healed.
With this thought of healing the mind, spirit, and body, I created this special secret healing space for you.
This personal circle is the place for talk, deep meditation, releasing what is no longer feeding you, cards reading, and at the end of our circle is 30min. Reiki energy healing.
The circle is 1.5- 2 hours long. Our sacred space is placed under the powerful Copper Piramide. For every session, I will create a different tea that will support our work with its healing magic energy of herbs.
Menarchy ceremony is a beautiful celebration of our young maiden. Symbolizes fertility and the celebration of our young females' first blood. This ceremony is meant to honor the sacred marking & celebrating a special moment in time where she crosses the threshold from young Girl to Woman.
An important message and memory are created for the girl and all witnesses by this ceremony. The memories of beauty, honoring. And all memories from this ceremony she will take forever.
It is time to remember & reclaim this simple but valuable & powerful wisdom handed down through the ages, remembering this honoring will create the next generation of evolving powerful women.
On this day, Menarche ceremony day, we honor together women & women's beauty, wisdom, and importance. We celebrate the life and the power of women - womanhood - sisterhood.
I can create the perfect ceremony for your daughter, or your friend exactly as you are dreaming of. Contact me by email or message me on social media Facebook or Instagram.
Love and Light with all of you
Ancient Energy Of Healing
Sekhmet Energy Healing & Pyramid of Isis - Ancient Egyptian Art Of Healing / Reiki
.... is an ancient Egyptian energy healing modality that is channeled through the hands, similarly to Reiki, to help realign, release and shift the blocked / stagnant layers of energy around the body.
Sekhem is a form of Ancient Egyptian Healing. The Sekhem energy is associated with the Egyptian lion-headed Goddess Sekhmet, the Guardian, and Protector of this energy.
Sekhem has developed over the centuries and was taught as part of the spiritual practices between the Priestesses in the Temples of Ancient Egypt...
Pyramid of Isis Reiki is a combination of the Egyptian attunements of Isis Moon, Sekham Seichem, Golden Ankh, Ra Sheeba (Golden Snake), Pyramid Gaza, Sacred Geometry, and Golden Triangle Reiki.
Goddess Isis is one of the Goddesses of Light who are guardians of the Light Ray. Goddesses empower female energy in male and female lightworkers. ......
Goddess Isis & Goddess Sekhmet were worshipped in ancient times in Their Temples by Priest & Priestesess and modern-day Wiccan, Priestesess, Witches workshop Isis as the Mother Goddess, and also as the patroness of Nature, Healing, and Magic. Isis is also known as the protector of the dead and Goddess of children, protector of Love,
Her name Isis means 'throne', her headdress was a throne and as such, she represented the Pharaoh's power.
The Healing with Isis Energy works by lifting negativity out of the body upwards out of the chakras or along etheric cords and not through the chakras to the feet or head.
Isis Reiki also uses crystals, orgonite, and copper for healing, as in ancient Egypt.
Ancient Art of Healing /Reiki - is a combination of powerful Isis Pyramid Energy and Sekhmet Art of Healing those Ancient Priestesses used in ancient times.
This powerful energy can help and support not only your body but your spirit and soul. Ancient energy will support the healing process in your body and will bring balance & peace into your mind. Help you clearly see your path.
As a Priestess of Goddess Isis/Aset & Sekhmet, I was gifted by Goddesses with many gifts.
I can channel messages during sessions from Netheru - source - your highest self ...for you ( if there is some).
I am happy to help and share love and light energy with all. Please book your healing session by message or email.
Isis - Sekhmet Blessing
Mary Magdalene Reiki training. Will bring her strong energy gets things done and brings a feeling of great strength, comfort, and support. Mary Magdalene's symbol is the rose, a flower of great beauty and mysticism. Her colors are ruby and gold.
The Attunement for Mary Magdalene Reiki is different from others' attunements in that it brings a balance of the feminine and masculine energies within each person that is attuned.
It's time for the truth about Mary Magdalene who she truly was and who she is!
She was a powerful woman, a priestess trained in the sacred mysteries in the temple of Isis in Egypt, the partner, the equal of Jesus, and the one best qualified to carry on his ministry after him.
A strong woman, she stood and fought her ground in a patriarchal male-dominated society, teaching, and healing alongside Yeshua.
You must be already Reiki level 1&2 qualified to take part in this course.
Cours include attunement to the Marry Magdalene energy, course manual, and practitioner certificate.
The Attunement includes some rituals and ceremonies because after all, Mary Magdalene was a high priestess in the temple of Isis, and it was indeed the ritual she brought to her relationship with Jeshua.
There are many Reiki energies associated with Egypt but the Pyramid of Isis Reiki incorporates ancient and new Reiki healing power with the addition of working with pyramids. pyramid of Isis master Reiki is a combination of the Egyptian attunement of Isis Moon, Sekham Seichem Master, Golden Ankh, Ra Sheeba(Golden Snake), Pyramide Gaza, Sacred Geometry, and Golden Triangle Reiki.
Using Pyramide of Isis Reiki with a Brass Pyramide Grid and Orgone pyramid laser energy makes the healing very powerful: which means the energy is only recommended for advanced lightworkers and masters.
I will explain how healing with the brass pyramid creates incredible power and how using Orgone crystal pyramids will help the healer remove the blockage and negative energy.
You will learn the Egyptian symbols and Isis pyramid symbols which increase the healing experience.
for more info contact me by email or in social media...
Ever walked into a room, shop, or somebody's home and suddenly felt itchy or tied for a reason?
Just like ourselves our homes and offices can contain negative energies/ spirits, which can negatively affect our mood and drain our energy.
Sometimes our home or office happens to be built on what used to be a sacred site, a battlefield, or a burial ground, and the energy of that former land use will linger and affect us.
Negative energetic phenomena can make us uncomfortable in our own homes and turn potential customers away from a business.
It's great to have a property clearing done when you :
- you moving into the new house or office
- often feel uncomfortable, distracted, or energetically drained in your house or office
- are sensing, feeling, and hearing the presence of spirits
- nightmares, bad sleeping or heavy dreams ...interrupted sleep
- dealing with heavy energy or heavy energy after illness/ conflict/stress
Property cleansing sessions could be done remotely without your participation ....I will need just your details.
And you will receive a detailed written report of all the energetic phenomena that were cleared and affected your home and family.
Bring back lighter, positive energy into your house and life. Contact me here or email me directly avwitchshop@gmail.com